According to a recent Canadian study, over 85% of a number of 500 job recruiters stated that they believe tattoos and piercings would be quite an impediment for a person to get a job. 

Of course, that doesn't apply to any type of job. For example, in fashion, art, graphic design, and sports, tattoos and piercings are considered cool, and accepted as part of the image of the person that exhibits them. That's why you should play along by the old saying "the first impression matters" and exhibit a professional look whenever you go to a job interview. 

If you really need a job, playing it safe is the way to go. During a job interview, as you answer the job interview questions, you would want the interviewer to pay attention to your outstanding answers, instead of being distracted by the piercings in your eyebrow. Even if you are very open minded and you love body art, you have to consider the fact that the interviewer may not be like you. Or, even if he or she is, what if that particular company has a very strict policy against body piercings and tattoos?

To make a great impression during a job interview it's always best to outline your qualifications, and to have a professional look, instead or contouring your personal style. Also, you probably won't die if you wear long sleeves or if you remove your ear rings or facial piercings for the job interview. Once you get the job, you may even find out that the company, your co-workers and your superiors, have quite a relaxed attitude towards piercings and tattoos, and no one would mind if you show them off at the office.

Another aspect that you should consider regards especially tattoos. Even if tattoos are quite common nowadays, many people associate tattoos with having been in prison, or with smoking a lot of pot. Now, your interviewer probably has read your resume and realized that you have nothing to do with that, but in case you're going to work with customers directly, it may be bad for the business. Any job interviewer has to take that into account, and there's a higher chance they will even choose someone less qualified for that job than you, but without tattoos. 

Now, as a conclusion to this post, if you present yourself to a job interview, keep your tattoos out of sight, and remove any visible piercing. Also, if you want to learn more aspects on how to increase your chances to win a job interview, visit: http://jobinterviewexpert.com/ 

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